
gjorde som emma, svarade på loads av frågor i hopp om att jag ska bli trött så jag kan somna ;) shiit, va många frågor. resultatet blev inte sömnighet, utan uttråkighet :(

Are you wasting your time on someone?
Yes big time!

Have you ever kissed an ex after breaking up?

Who should start the kiss, the girl or the boy?
I don’t wanna sound old-fashion, but prefer the boy to do it.

Believe in love at first sight?
Not love, LUST.

Would you ever go skinny dipping with the last person who you talked to?

Are you still friends with the last person who broke your trust?
Well, yeah but she didn’t break it entirely. So if she doesn’t count, then no, not friends with the last person who did that.

Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair?
Depends on who does it.

Are you currently in a perfect relationship?
Yes, Pingu and I are very happy

Is love really worth fighting for?
Yes when it’s of the good kind. The bad – that I always fight for isn’t at all worth it.

Think back to May, who did you like?
Oh, may? My God, completely wrong person. Wonder what I was thinking!

Do you find it in your heart to forgive?
If the friendship is worth it – then I’ll forgive to a certain extent.  

Do you act differently around someone you like?
Yes, mostly I just ignore that person. Haha!

Is your best friend a slut?
Oh no, the complete opposite.

Is there something you're looking forward to?
Looking forward to my life to start! Yey, can’t wait!

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
It needs to be a very special someone, otherwise I will get bored.

Will you get married?
Only if I ever find someone who will mean as much to me as he did.

Who do you argue with most?
Argue is a strong word. I lose my patience with my sister sometimes.

Would you rather hear the painful truth or a happy lie?
ALWAYS the truth, no matter how much it hurts. False people and lies are the worst thing I know. Oh, and chicken shits.  

Is there someone you're attracted to?
Oh. Yes.

Do you think being "heart broken" is as bad as people say?
I KNOW it is. If not worse. But I also know that once you get a bit of perspective and realize there wasn’t anything to be heart broken about – that he was just bad for you, then everything wasn’t so bad after all. But you need time for that.

Listening to music at the moment?
Right now? Linkin Park

What should you be doing?
Well, maybe go to sleep. But my sleeping train passed me around 5 pm, so still waiting for the next one so I can hop on.

Do you talk to the person who hurt you the most?
No. Sometimes I think about getting back in touch, but not sure if it would really do anyone good.

Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
If I had a car it would def. be there. Shower? NEVER. Probably when there’s a really good song on the radio.

What did your last text message say?
Pat, asking to meet up

What is your middle name?

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
Does it count if I jumped in a pool with my underwear? ‘Cause that would be a few times...

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Who’s your daddy? That sounded a bit perverty..

Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Eh, no.

What can you hear right now?
My thoughts are too loud to hear anything...

Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
Oh, probably a girlfriend.. but other then that. Oh yes, if I EVER got the chance again, yes yes yes. Wait, kiss them? Mean the hands? Oh never mind, I could kiss them too ;)

What's the wallpaper to your cellphone?
At the moment, my photo of the sunrise. Taken on a morning walk in Kalmar.

Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
Yes, VIP.

Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
No because my knickers haven’t got any pockets.

Who's your last text from?
Pat (hasn’t that question already been?)

Explain what triggered your last kiss?
LOVE. So pathetic.

What do you want for your birthday?
The best time ever in Birmingham!

When's the last time you said you were okay, but really weren't?

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?

Had that feeling for quite some time now actually...

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
Sure. If I only knew why...

Do you consider yourself lucky?
Nah, not in particular.

Have you ever been awake for 2 days straight?
Yeah, absolutely.

Who did you spend your summer with last year?
Spent the whole summer on an island with a wonderful person who I had just recently met and now miss very much :s

Where did you get the pants you're wearing?
Not wearing pants, but what Im wearing I bought in Thailand...

Do you miss anyone?
YES. I really MISS two people (from summer)

Do you believe ex's can be friends?
Haven’t accomplished it yet, but I hope it can work.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Cissi!! On the toilet, at O’learys on Saturday ;)

Is anything bothering you?

Yeah, a lot and very much.

What are you craving at the moment?
Answers. And motivation

What is more important in a relationship, happiness or trust?
The should go hand-in-hand.

Did the last person you kiss have tattoos?
No, surprisingly not

Have a best friend?
A few.

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
No, didn’t got an apology but sort of an explanation.

Is there someone who had made a difference in your life?
Yes. They didn’t just make a difference, they changed my life (both good and bad).
What did you dream last night?
Waah.. that was weird. Dremt that I ate a lot of candy, and then it hit me I wasn’t allowed to that this month. And then I was so ashamed.

Who can make you feel better in a difficult situation?
Mum or sis.

Are you in a complicated relationship?
Been in many, but right now it’s complicated without the relationship-part.

So, what if you married the last person you kissed?
Yes please.

What was the last thing you hid?
My feelings. And a scar.

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
You could put it that way yes. Although, not really a fight – mostly just crying.

If you could spend more time with someone you used to be very close with, who would it be?
Oh, there’s a few I think. I miss not beeing as close to M as I used to be.

Did you ever like someone you knew you shouldn't have?

Daah. Im the QUEEN of that!

Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
Yeah, in jan.

Did you ever date the last person you kissed?

What did you do last night?
Worked out

What was the last thing you cooked?
Lemme think.. does boiling eggs count? Besides from that... ehm.... well it would be sometime in october I think.

Where are you?
In my bed
Is there someone you will never forget?
Yes quite a few...

Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Doesn’t seem like it

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
OF COURSE. What did I say about false people and chicken shits? Hate ‘em. Truth and honesty is the best.

What will you be doing in 3 hours?
SLEEP, I hope.
Do you have feelings for anyone?

Who was the last person to sit on your bed?

What're you doing this weekend?
Getting drunk

Do you wish you were somewhere else?

If you could have anyone you want, who would it be?
The last guy I kissed.

Can you really be "addicted" to someone?
I am.

Do you want to fix anything with anyone?
Yeah but why bother, would probably go down the drain again..

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?
You could say that yes. All that over time..


wish I could get an answer

I always torture myself.
Im the most self-destructive person I know.
Somehow I always end up with the bad ones, the ones that treat me badly.
It's bad for me, I know, but I can't stay away.

Now I thought I was changing my way.
I thought I had found something good.
But you proved me wrong, you proved me incapable.
Because you turned out to be the worst of them all.
You ended up hurting me more than all the others.

I want to erase, but I cant.
I want to move on, but I cant.
Not until I get an answer.
It's such a small sacrifice for you but means the world to me.

Now I Feel Fooled and Forgotten
Disrespected and Detached
Wasted and Wronged.

You broke through my wall. Then you broke me.
Now I will build a wall so tall no one will ever get in.
So that no one will ever hurt me like you did. 
And no one will ever be loved by me. again.

larry, molly & friends ;)

awesome kväll igår!
första glaset vin vid 16-tiden, viss distraktion av gamla foton och sedan förflyttning till cissi å mattis plejs! mer vin, computersnack, old people new people, å massa mer gamla foton. nästan så man saknar da good old times - men these times are good too :) efter cissis 18 toabesök tyckte de att de skulle trotsa regnet å pysa till frida. cissi tyckte att det var en bra idé å lämna drickat hemma så man kunde få sig en gin&tonic hos frids ist. vidare ut i regnet till ellen å frida där vi skrämde grannen provade glasögon och pratade om - eh, ja d minns ja ju inte nu. å när vi nu hade fått rutin på det var det väl lika bra att trotsa regnet igen å den här gången faktiskt ta oss till o'learys. shotta lite, dansa lite. men va FAN va det var mkt jackor överallt då. avslutningsvis hängde vi en sväng på mollys och sedan var kvällen ett faktum. grym kväll.
sen kan ju tilläggas att saza aldrig tyckt bättre om sin nyinköpta säng :)

å igår gjorde fröken babblequeen comeback. suck. vad trött jag blir på mig själv.

idag har saza, mary å jojo käkat ängö-pizza å kollat mamma mia :) likey!
å så var helgen redan slut, shiiit va tiden har bråttom nowadays.

old friend ♥

new friend ♥

another manic monday

underbart skön helg :)
å härlig måndag! okej, mindre härligt att gå upp kl 06 och ta tåget bort från idyllen och tillbaka till helvetet. men man får göra det bästa av det. saza å mary hade en lagom relax pluggdag på their new home - the bible (aka bibblan). sen gav de sig ut i den gråa duggande novemberkvällen. gick förstås vilse nånstans bland alla sjukhus-avdelningar, radioaktiva avspärrningar (ja de missade vi helt), fält, stalker-bilar och kolonilotter. men de är återfunna och i ungefär samma tillstånd som de försvann (give or take).

okej okej, bilderna kanske inte var EXAKT from dagens promenad... men promenad som promenad :o

Last Nite

malin & johanna... å en stage divande mårten :p (pingu har gömt sig bakom johanna)

annie & saza redo att take on HARRYS

Annie is hitting the karaoke machine ;)


så ilskan byttes mot johanna, malin å annie! bytt är bytt å kommer aldrig igen!
mysigt värre å prat om idioter som karaktäriserat våra liv! å om kärlek som hållt oss vid liv.
skiiitkallt å blåsigt å världens kö. hallå, vad hände där? som tur är finns det gästlistor och förtur, we likey. Corehouse hade bestämt sig för att inta Harrys ikväll - alla var där. Det var nice förstås, men för mkt 20isch fylla för min smak. Jag försökte åstadkomma något liknande genom att äta minimalt under dagen å dricka fort - men på något vis förblev jag en amatör i jämförelse med dessa "nästan födda på 90-talet". skrämmande. I NEED THE ME/WE GENERATION TO GET BACK ON IT'S FEET. 90-talet - inte okej. När annie å saza trängts färdigt på dansgolvet, fått tillräckligt med öl på sig och hejjat för femtielfte gången på känningar så begav de sig ut i regnet å hem till tryggare marker. en skön kväll.

å jag slapp bry mig om as som gör livet jävligt. det är faktiskt inte värt att bry sig. won't give 'em the pleasure of breaking me. (okey, im already broken - but I refuse to go to waste. okey okey, i've already gone to waste. wasted love. but I do believe in recycling - so before y'all no it, i will be back in a new and better shape and you wont know where it hit ya)

in me friggon!!!

>förresten så vet jag att DU läser mig blogg, så säg vad det är du vill egentligen<

fucking PISSED OFF.

först kom en värmevåg, sedan ställde sig alla hår på kroppen rakt upp, sedan började jag frysa. händerna darrade och huvudet bultade så hårt att jag inte hörde vad jag själv tänkte.

ett knivhugg, kippa efter luft, allt flyter ihop.

sen blir allt klart. en ilska som får hela kroppen att skaka, bita mig i tungan å borra in naglarna i huden.

ilska. ILSKA!




grow up and be a fucking man for fuck sake your fucker

sjukt konstig vecka

Seriöst, för varje dag som gick förra veckan blev det bara konstigare och konstigare.
Saknar min underbara Marie - för hon hade förstått precis vad jag menar.

Träffade ofrivilligt på både BD1 & BD2 SAMMA dag.
EX:et(t) & EX:två och BD2 hade helt plötsligt mkt att säga.
Å som om inte det räckte så slängde vi in en Harrys och en Kock,

Helt förundrad av hur fel telepati kan gå, det var ju inte alls SÅ jag menade. Blä.
Vad kom dessa människor ifrån HELT PLÖTSLIGT.

jo, bara för att göra det ännu tydligare vad jag egentligen redan vet, men inte vill inse. vägrar göra det för en jag får svart på vitt. although, börjar bli rädd att inte det heller kommer att hända. jag kommer dö i ovisshet.

kommit fram till att ovisshet är det jag hatar absolut mest. hatar oxå falskhet, men ofta kan falskheten leda till ovisshet - så det får bli den gemensamma nämnaren.

Men va fan, som min dear vän Frida sa:
"gräver man tillräckligt djupt ner i dyngan så hittar man tillslut några flugor"
- fattar absolut inte vad hon menar, men jag älskar citatet ;)

surprise party!!

galen kväll i lördas :)
inleddes med fördrinkar och plattång i högsta hugg. skymtar av grannarna, men lite mer diskreta den här gången. eftersom vi skulle vara på plats kl 19.30 så tyckte frida att det kunde vara bra att börja förbereda sig halv 7. En inte helt nöjd freddan förstod inte riktigt grejen med att det kunde ta 45 min att bara ta på sig skor och jacka. NÄ freddan, ibland går hissen inte hela vägen upp :p kom iaf på nåt mirakulöst vis till Bistro. minglade med våra röda drinkar, letade upp bordsgrannar och väntade på födelsedagsbarnet. ett något förvånat sådant dök sedan upp och festen var ett faktum. supergod tapa och rödtunga å vin. likey. sen gällde det att öka takten, bara halva priset i baren till midnatt. måste ju hinna shotta tillräckligt innan 12. fina partyhattar - som dock inte alls var så funktionella. saza fick iaf bli en rosa ekorre för kvällen. å här gällde det att ha en rak hållning! trillade ner till rockbaren å headbangade lite (ja min rosa ekorre fick visst INTE följa med, fattar inte alls varför. folk e så känsliga). Hälsade på "den nya heta bartendern" tror jag det hette. när kåren lockade vissa så protesterade saza, mary, frida å marie å intog mollys ist. inte 55 år thank you very much. avslutade kvällen med en potentiell matförgiftning hos en av korvisarna. inte superpigg dagen efter när det var jobb för rix som gällde.

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