and when you think it can't get any more weird?

- well, then the shit hits the fan and life throws you situations that are just wrong.
but oh so lovely.

My past is back to haunt me

Im right here again. Thought I would be clever enough not to repeat this shit.
Apparantly I haven't learnt from my mistakes. So let's just enjoy the ride as long as it last, and Im pretty sure what fall will bring. OR, this time I actually decide not to care, not to bother. And keep, what I lost last time, intact.
Well, who knows...

Confessions of an addict

... is truer than ever. But I decide to keep the confession to myself this time.

post fin raziel

crazy awesome (or wicked as fin raziel expressed it) weekend in wales with lovely people!
we go where the horses go. and we got brains :)
hung out with sleepy matt & john the eye closer :p
but then we forgot we were listening.
too happy for our own good.
the hills were alive and we only do trains.
was somehting about the dogs.
because of the sheep?
- nooooo, because of the sheperd!!
And then we left vanessa and got home to frankie. in spain. and it was xmas.

but I need fin raziel.

In the land of confusion.. where I happen to be. Lost myself on the way home. The signs are pointing at different directions and Im not sure which path to choose. Denial, Escape, Humiliation, Exposure, Confession, Forgetfulness, Uncertainty... So either path I choose will bring me misery. Im not being negative - but this is gonna get ugly. There are at least four people in this mess, and It's unlikely that the outcome will be satisfying to everyone. If I only knew what was less bad. Or maybe I do, it's to take the hit myself. But do I wanna? Don't I always take the hit? Isn't it my turn to find my way home this time? Oh, I wish I had a Sadie in me.... 

Maltings BBQ

it's the 24th of april.. it's not spring - more like summer.
The maltesers are spending the day in the sun and finishing of with a BBQ.

you gotta love it.

Oh. My. God.

suffering severe memory loss.

craziest nite ever.

...or so I've heard.

...har jag förmågan att glömma bort

...sen en tid tillbaka har jag varit trött
Försökt att vara allt på samma gång
Så mycket man kan göra och borde och vill
Mitt i allt så ska man räcka till

Sen en tid tillbaka har jag varit tom
Och försökt att hitta spår som leder rätt
Ja det finns så mycket måsten att vara bra på det man kan
Och mitt i allt så ska man vara sann

Jag har ändrat i mitt rum, köpt nya möbler
Och samlat damm på min gitarr
För allting jag skriver blir ändå för kort
Och allt som är bra med mig har jag förmågan att glömma bort

Sen en tid tillbaka har jag varit tyst
Och försökt att känna efter hur det känns
Ja man gör som alla andra och försöker att bli van
Men jag har tröttnat på att vara likadan

Sen en tid tillbaka har jag känt mig svag
Och försökt att vara nån till lags
Ja man kämpar för en plats som passar både här och där
Och snart har man glömt vem man är

Och jag har ändrat i mitt rum, köpt nya möbler
Och samlat damm på min gitarr
För allting jag skriver det blir ändå för kort
Och allt som är bra med mig har jag förmågan att glömma bort

Sen en tid tillbaka har jag tänkt såhär
Och insett att jag måste börja om
Ja jag har kämpat för en plats som passar både här och där
Men snart ska jag hitta den jag är

Jag har ändrat i mitt rum, köpt nya kläder
Och samlat damm på min gitarr
Men i vad jag än tar på mig känner jag mig alltför kort
Och allt som är bra med mig har jag förmågan att glömma bort

Ja jag har ändrat i mitt rum, köpt nya möbler
Och samlat damm på min gitarr
För allting jag skriver det blir ändå för kort
Och allt som är bra med mig har jag förmågan att glömma bort




what are u supposed to do on an easter monday - when you're sick and bored.
hit new st (together with thousands of people apparantly..)

that's all for now... better pack for london tmrw baby ;)

away with the pixes

as always.

but this time it's gotta be different! it has to. I can feel it, it's going to...
it's gonna be the best. maybe not best ever, but best - given the situation. it's gonna be good just because of the fact of me being aware of it. I know where I am (ah, well maybe not really - but I least I KNOW that I don't know where I am..) and I know why it has to be good. not for anyone else - just for me. if it's not good then something is wrong and when I've fixed it it's gonna be good again. I just know it, I feel it.

happy easter to me

got the best easter present I could think of!


i'd given up the hope but now it's in front of me, smiling. telling me that I've been good and waited for this long so now I deserve it.

I know why I had to wait now.. because if I would have gotten it earlier it would have done more harm than good. but now - all it did was making it easier to breathe. i feel released. i feel free. and even tho' I hurt along the way, that's all in the past now. now it's all about the future. and got a kick right into it now.

so happy easter to me.
and to all of you. and hope you will get something as nice as what I got :)

i dont believe you...

..when you say you don't love me anymore

looks like you've given up, you've had enough
but i want more, I wont stop cause i just know u'll come around

I just can't stand here and watch you fall

It's a bad dream, only you're still awake
But I don't mind it all
So dont pretend to not love me at all

what about me?
when you're hurting yourself - you know you're hurting me

I know sometimes I make you cry, and sometimes you just wanna die

Am I not dark enough to see your light?

where you're heading, i cannot come
I can't tell the difference - do I wanna help you? do I want you out of my life? maybe I want to hurt you? or should I fight you?

tell me how you do it.. how do you get through it?

maybe i just keep on breaking my own heart for some more time.

tmrw tmrw tmrw tmrw....

dublin here we come :)
six lost maltesers and my dearest darlings from home. how will this end?
dublin u better not make us disappointed, the expectations are SKY HIGH.
bring it!!!

by the minute..

life appears to get more complicated by the minute. seriously, what's up with that?
there is such a big difference between people, between different ages and of course nationalities. Someone really smart said something like 'you're not older than u make yourself' and 'age is just a number'. but honestly - it's more than that. a lot more. for some people it so easy, but for me its dead hard. I cannot do it. I've tried, oh boy, have I tried. but the result is always the same, there is just too much lost on the way. all I've done and all I've learned - too much to ignore. but sometimes I think we'd do better as dandelion seeds - no family, no histiry, just floating off into the world - each our own piece off fluff.

no more words today...


im SUCH A BAD BAD BAD person.
oh boy. wanted bad. wanted sooo bad. could not. have to stay loyal. have to stay friends. new friend yes. but worship new friend very much. so keep hands off! didn't really keep hands off, no. but should have. really should have. damn damn damn. 's not okey, not okey. fuck fuck fuck fuck. damn it you - get it together, okey? FUCK.

happy thoughts

det e bara en prövning
det e bara en prövning
det e bara en prövning

dont's sweat it

andas in
andas ut

keep thinking happy thoughts

Sometimes it comes to mind..

That there isn’t really anything there. It’s just empty. Nothing. And then is when it hits you – the big question. Your are starting to question yourself, your life – your existence.

When you broaden your perspective and you’re realizing that what you thought was important, what’s been your priority 1 – isn’t really worth a rats ass. You been looking the wrong way, your been aiming your attention in the wrong direction and you’re been focusing on all the wrong things.

It’s a double-edged sword really. It’s terrifyingly depressing, in the same time as it is terrifyingly revealing. Like, what have you actually been doing all these years? Why all the time wasted? On the other hand – what are you gonna do with this enlightment? The world is at your feet, but do you dare take the leap? Or will you just stay where you’re safe, right where you are – and have been all this time. The answer might not be as obvious as one might think. Well, maybe the answer. But not so much the actual action. It’s one thing to say and a completely different thing to do.

But maybe you’re not there just yet. Maybe you’re still trying to broaden your perspective. Maybe you are at the questioning stage, where there’s nothing much to believe in, to hope for. Not much to live for. So the crucial thing is then to broaden your perspective. Look around you , look inside you. Listen to your self, feel that connection – where it’s you and only you in the entire world. Ask yourself what it is that you need, what you want and what you can’t live without.

So there is where you must go from. Start from yourself – only then you can move forward. And the best of luck to you with that.

the time has come

im about to do it. do what i've waited for, far too long. but now there's no more reasons to wait. seriously, this is the moment. this is the date.

ready steady GONE.

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